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What is Personal Branding?

An individual's personal brand is the summation of all the impressions communicated by the individual.

The Growth in Personal Branding

Three key shifts in society cause the growth in the importance of personal branding

In the 1970s there were massive layoffs among large corporations which meant individual's found no longer depend on employers guaranteeing life-long employment and economic stability.

A new idea emerged that empowered people to believe that work could provide personal satisfaction and meaning for an individual.

New technological advancements allow people to communicate more frequently and often through online platforms to share their personal thoughts.

The Steps to Build a Personal Brand

Want to create a self-package of what is unique about you beyond your skills, profession, and education







Introspective Look:

Analyze what your values, passions, and strengths are

Existing Brand:

identify your existing brand, this serves as a starting point


Develop a short statement that captures who you are

Physical Footprint:

craft the appearance and workspace you want to present



establish your name and what social media you will use

Your Message:

Be clear, consistent, and constant 

When crafting your personal brand you want to follow the six steps presented above, created by Jodi L. Philbrick and Ana D. Cleveland. The six steps capture the importance of controlling the way others perceive you rather than allowing society to control their perception of you. Additionally, the steps progress from you finding your own voice and identity to you crafting that identity and brand and eventually to you presenting that message with the three C's (Constant, Clear, and Consistent). When presenting your message Philbrick and Cleveland emphasize the use of the three C's. The use of the three C's applies to how the individual presents their message through various techniques that stem from advertising techniques.

All information on this page was gathered from "Personal Branding: Building Your Pathway to Professional Success"

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